
I’m Leslie.

I take pictures.
I laugh and smile a lot.
I also love to serve others.
(And in case you’re wondering, Her name is Ellie.)

I could talk about the technical stuff, how I have a background in journalism and went to art school, that I've been doing this for a long time, and what kind of equipment I use, but that doesn't really matter. A solid connection with my clients comes from shared values so it's important we know each other.


a few facts about me

  • I love animals, but I am not a pet person, per se. I love for animals to live animal lives, as in free to run around and play and rest wherever they want. In the picture with me is Ellie when we first got her. She’s an Italian Maremma Sheepdog. We also have a three-legged Border Collie named Molly.

  • I love being active, and I especially love running. Long runs, speedwork, you name it—I love it all. I’ve run 2 half marathons, 1 full marathon, and countless 5Ks with more to come. Not only does running help me to take care of my physical health, but it also gives me a productive outlet to handle stress.

  • I push myself to be an open, honest person, and it’s so hard ‘cause I'm fighting my tendency to be reserved. I often have to remind myself that to have good friends, I have to be a good friend. And friends trust each other with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Besides, how can I have a friend “who is born for times of distress” if I won’t tell them when I’m in distress?

  • I am quite the cliche since my husband Will(iam) and I are best friends and a team. We enjoy doing everything, including work, together every day. I feel I am and I try to be the best version of myself with him and for him, and I love serving Jehovah God by his side.

Photos courtesy of Andy Roberts (@therobertsphoto).

what is it like to take pictures with me?

You will laugh. a lot. i promise.

You’ll be comfortable in front of the camera.

You and I are gonna be great friends after this is over.

you are going to realize that it is actually fun to take photos.